
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Quick Links - 03/08/2015

Hey all! Wow, this has been a busy week for me! Though I suppose to most everyone I just seem a lazy poo because I only did four reviews (and one of those from February no less). The shame! But I did get some other things read which means a small handful of reviews to link to. Mostly positive experiences this week, so that's nice.

The Living Dead ed. John Joseph Adams (Goodreads, my score 3/5) - This has some very good zombie stories, but people who know me know that zombies are a hard sell to me. There's a lot to like in this collection, but overall, like with many collections, it's didn't really hold its quality throughout.

Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions by Sheila Grau (Goodreads, my score 4/5) - I know, I'm a sucker for middle grade supernatural books. Some decent diversity in this one, which is always nice to see in stories geared toward younger readers. And it's just fun (don't judge me!).

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (Goodreads, my score 3/5) - This got a lot of buzz last year and it seemed like it would be right up my alley. Quasi-romantic and with a magic circus. Magic. Circus. I wanted to like this more but I really didn't like the male lead. Kind of a creep (in my opinion). Still, it's beautifully written and most of the characters are great.

Destiny's Hand vol. 1 by Nunio DeFilippis and Christina Weir (Goodreads, my score 4/5) - apparently this week is the "like things probably for people younger than me" week, because here was another pleasant surprise. Some solid work, especially seeing how bad it might have been.

So there you have it. Another week down, and some books reviewed. Thanks for tuning in!

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