
Friday, June 3, 2022

Quick Sips 06/03/2022

It's my birthday! Which probably isn't huge news to many people, but it's slightly a big deal to me. I'm 3...6? Yes, I think that's right. Part of the last few has been a general sense that time is made up so I did have to think about that and do the math to figure it out. Still in the meaty "mid-thirties" but by no means in my "early thirties" anymore. I mean, 35 is already not "early thirties" but you can almost pretend. The pretending is over now as I settle with grace into whatever weird categories of age I fit into now.

The big news of late has been WisCon, of course. And I do wish that I had more time to digest and marinate in all the things that I heard and participated in over the weekend. Especially on Sunday, I was on back-to-back-to-back panels and they were all rather intense in their own ways. Talking about bisexuality, talking about queer joy, talking about the death of the author (or lack thereof) in terms of reviewing. They were some really thoughtful and provocative panels and I'm incredibly grateful to the moderators and fellow panelists for making those so wonderful. Just wow.

I also got to meet and meet again so many wonderful people. It's still acutely strange to be approached by people who are fans of my work, especially when I am fans of theirs, but that's just how it goes I guess. It was amazing to be surrounded (for the first time for me since the pandemic started) by so many incredible people. WisCon is really where I started learning a lot, not just about the field, about queerness and possibilities, but about myself. Every year is an education, and it's heartening to know that hasn't really changed. The lessons change, and the people change, but the sense of learning and growing remains, and that's a lot of what makes WisCon so important to me. Great to see that Martha Wells and Rivers Solomon will be guests of honor next year, and I definitely plan on attending.

Otherwise, there isn't a whole lot with me to report. I'm behind on everything and trying to make peace with that while also chipping away at things on my to-do list. I wish there was more time, as I said before, but I'm also excited to do all the things. Non-profit work is at its busiest time thanks to Pride Month, and I'm trying to spin a lot of plates, I guess. We'll see if any of them crash and shatter. Hopefully not! Not much more than that, I'm afraid. I remain your rather tired, vaguely burned out reviewer of short SFF. Cheers!


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