
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Quick Thoughts - Patreon GO!!!

Well, it's officially been a year and a half since Quick Sip Reviews first started, and in that time…well, I actually don't have the numbers on it but I'm guessing in that time I've read and reviewed over a thousand pieces of fiction alone, and hundreds of poems and nonfiction works. That's…a lot. In some ways it surprises me every month that I'm here still doing this, because the hours get a bit long and sometimes these stories reduce me to small puddles of feels just wanting to take time to recover. But I try to brush myself off and get back to it, because there's work to do and because I want to give back in some small way to a genre and to a form that has given me so much.

And I do want to be doing this. Part of me struggles with that, with the idea that because I want to and because there is a need, or at least a desire, for reviews like I'm doing, I'm obligated to do so, and to do so without compensation. That the work should be reward enough. And in some ways it is, if I had all the time. Unfortunately, I do not, and so I've decided to give people the option of contributing to Quick Sip Reviews (and maybe a side project or two) by setting up a Patreon. I want to keep doing what I'm doing here. For years to come.

I want to talk a bit about the different goals and rewards, so that you might get a bit of an idea of what I hope this Patreon might help me do and what you can expect by supporting.

Goal 1: Four Review-Posts a Week.
That is, four reviews of complete issues every week (or in the case of some publications, a month's worth of stories). Which I am technically doing now, but which I want to keep doing. This level of funding is enough to keep me going basically as things are now. I'll probably still slip in a fifth review-post many weeks, and I will continue to do my Quick Thoughts on the weekends.

Goal 2: Liver Beware! You're in for Drunken Reviews of Goosebumps! (Patreon Exclusive)
I've mentioned the desire to this before and figured this would be the perfect platform to do it, because it would allow me to add something to my plate. I learned to read on Goosebumps! and have been itching to go back and reread the entire series. I actually have them all collected from thrift stores and from my own childhood collection, and there are so many that I could do one a month and it would be lots of fun. Drinking! Nostalgia! Probably being disgusted at a treasured part of my youth! WOOO!!!

Goal 3: Smutty Sundays
I love smut. I write it and I read it and I want to be a better resource for SFF smuttiness, and especially queer smut. This goal would allow me to take some time to buy and read more SFF romance and erotica, which unlike more traditional SFF isn't normally available for free online. This would primarily be reviews but I might want to pair this with other features. Because SFF smut is amazing and I want to talk more about it.

Goal 4: Quick Questions
If I hit this goal I will invite SFF short fiction writers to the blog to talk stories and craft and drinks and everything! Probably the interviews wouldn't be incredibly long, but I feel like they might be illuminating for people who want to think more about short fiction and poetry and nonfiction and the genre and hopefully it would also be fun.

So that's what I'm thinking for the Patreon. I welcome any feedback or things that you as readers of this blog might want to see. For a year and a half now I've been very fortunate to be able to read and review so many amazing stories. Thank you to everyone who has made that possible and super extra thanks to anyone who decides to support me via Patreon. Thanks for reading!

All the best,

Charles Payseur

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